You Don’t Know Your Worth}

You Don’t Know Your Worth


Ellie RomeReed

I’m serious! I can’t tell you how many times I have seen people sell themselves (their product or services) for WAY less than its worth. This includes anyone just starting a business, regardless of your industry.

Think about this scenario for a second: If a lawyer went to Harvard and received excellent marks, graduated near the top of their class, and then set up shop selling legal services for $10 an hour, what would you think about the value of their legal services?

People who are looking for you (your products and services) will see your pricing as Dollar Store pricing and won’t take a second look, let alone respond to the advertisement, because their automatic belief is, “it must be junk.”

Do you expect good value from the Dollar Store? Or do you expect something that will get the job done, and if it doesnt no harm, no foul because it was just a dollar? Is that the kind of message you want to send your potential clients and customers? And on an even deeper note: Do you see the fear based thinking here?

People price their products and services at an extreme discount for two reasons:

1.)They are afraid someone wont like what theyre selling, so they price it really low so that, if there is no value gained, the client will think, no harm, no foul and not criticize the seller.

2.)They price out of lack, thinking if they price things low enough, they will attract enough people to make up what theyre missing. Which is also a fear of not enough money, not enough clients, and so on.

Fear of not being good enough and fear of judgement keep us stuck. Usually, we think it keeps us from moving forward towards our goals. But this specific fear keeps us stuck in a sneaky way: making us think were putting ourselves out there and then proving to ourselves that, no one wants my services anyway When in reality, we priced our Nieman Marcus goods and services at Walmart prices.

Sandra Yancey, CEO and Founder of eWomen Network says, “When I want to play with Neiman Marcus people, I don’t go looking at Walmart.”

Do you think clients would expect good value from a program priced at Walmart level pricing? Or do you think they expect to get high-end products and services from Nieman Marcus level pricing?

Do you want Walmart clients? The clients who are always looking for a deal, trying to get by on whatever is available to them

Or do you want Nieman Marcus clients? The people who want quality that lasts a lifetime, things that will actually benefit them, and for you coachespeople who will actually do the work, get results, and then leave you an excellent testimonial you will share over and over, to help you grow your business!

If you want the higher end clients, or even the *occasional* Whole Foods shoppers, you have to price accordingly! And don’t drop your prices below what you’re worth.

I know what youre thinking. Youre just starting and think your services arent worth much yet. Or youre asking how to overcome this thought pattern. (And if you are in the first category, you should be asking how to overcome this thought pattern!)

I give my clients a couple of assignments to start the process:

Assignment 1

For service based businesses (coaches, done for you services, etc.) the first step is figuring out everything youve learned and that you bring to the table for your clients.

For goods based businesses, figure out how much your products cost you to make.

Then for both business models, figure out what your time is worth. In business school we learn about opportunity cost: the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.

One person I know wrote a book and priced it at $7. There wasnt a whole lot to it. Maybe 5 pages of content and another 50+ pages of lines for you to write on. You download and print the book yourself, so she wasnt paying for any materials. Her book sold over 45,000 times, netting well over $315,000 for her hour or so of work. This is a GREAT example of when to price lower when you put in time only once, but can sell the product over and over. (Products like eBooks, Webinars, Training Videos, etc.)

If you’re selling a service where you spend your time with someone or completing a project for someone, decide how much your time is worth. There are several factors that go into this!

For me, spending time with my kids is worth a heck of a lot more than minimum wage. I have a specific dollar figure in mind, considering someone watching them, other things I can do with my time, and what Im missing out on when I spend time with people, to decide what my time is worth.

Dont get into the trap of trading dollars for hours either! You will be stuck in an endless cycle you cant get out of. In the information age, everyone has the ability to make money for knowledge shared. And depending on how long you took to acquire that knowledge, you should price according to what it cost you!

Assignment 2

Be grateful for what you have.

I read Pam Grout’s Thank and Grow Rich a little over a year ago. I quickly found I was able to be grateful for the little things and ended up being thankful for SO MUCH each day! I found myself finding three things to be thankful for before 6:15am… It shifted how I looked at everything!

When you are grateful for the things you do have, the opportunities that come into your life, the color blue because it makes you smile you suddenly feel less lack around you, and you can start to really decide what things are worth — including you, your time, and your products or services.

If you want to go deeper on any of this, contact me!

Ellie is a Psychic Healer and Transformation Coach who helps clients shift their mindset, break through blocks, and find fulfillment and success beyond their wildest dreams!

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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Libertarian candidate Larry Stevens, Kitchener-Conestoga

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Larry Stevens is running for the Libertarian Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Kitchener-Conestoga riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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U.S. superbug expected to emerge in Canada

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

An infectious superbug spreading in the United States is to “emerge in force” in Canada, doctors fear. The bacteria have been reported popping up in day care centers and locker rooms across the U.S. Usually elderly or very ill hospital patients get the disease.

More than 2 million U.S. residents are infected every year, the Centers for Disease Control estimates.

An article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) on Tuesday said that Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are “spreading with alarming rapidity.” The bacteria can cause boils, pimples, or in extreme cases, flesh-eating disease, and more.

“The resistant bacteria is an old foe with new fangs: a pathogen combining virulence, resistance and an ability to disseminate at large,” wrote Dr. John Conly, medical professor and an infectious disease specialist at the University of Calgary.

British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario are the provinces which already have had MRSA in hospitals.

A 30-year-old Calgary, Alberta man died last year of lung abscesses associated with the infection, as well as a three-month old toddler in Toronto, Ontario.

Toronto Blue Jays outfielder Alex Rios, last summer, suffered from an infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus in his leg. Pitcher Ty Taubenheim had a similar infection on his foot.

Doctors are currently investigating some Calgary residents, who could be one of the first Canadian reports of MRSA outside of a hospital setting.

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How To Shop For Vehicle Parts At An Auto Parts Store In Dunellen


If you want your vehicle to function perfectly for a long time without the need for expensive replacements or constant breakdowns, you need the best auto parts you can find. That means finding the best local store which will always have the parts you need and be able to order in rare parts for you. Here are just a few ways to find the right store and the right parts:

1. Find out if Your Part is in Stock

No matter how convenient the store is, there is no point in spending your time going there if they don’t stock the parts you need. It will just further waste time which means your vehicle will be off the road for longer. You could even waste your time going from store to store to find your part. Instead, use a website such as Joy Auto Parts Store which has a form on the home page you can fill out to find out if the store has the part you need in stock. Filling out the specific details of what you need and what make and model it is for will ensure you get the correct response you want.

2. Check Prices

Once you have found the store which stocks your part, you will need to find out if the price they quote is fair. Road and Track has found that some stores charge 5000 percent premiums even for basic parts. You can avoid being ripped off by doing a little research into how much auto parts usually cost and decide if the quoted price is reasonable.

Finding the parts you need, even for classic or rare cars, needn’t be a headache or cost the earth. You also don’t need to spend a lot of time waiting for your car to be fixed. Use online resources and do your research beforehand and you can save yourself both time and money, getting your vehicle back in shape in good time.

IRA disbands military structure

Thursday, October 5, 2006

The Independent Monitoring Commission has reported that the Provisional Irish Republican Army has undergone major changes within their military structure and shows that the IRA Army Council wants to put its military campaign behind it. The Commission consists of John Alderdice, a former Alliance Party leader; Joe Brosnan, former Secretary General of the Department of Justice, Republic of Ireland; John Grieve, former Deputy Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and former head of the Metropolitan Police Anti-Terror Branch; and Dick Kerr, former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Agency.

The report states the IRA no longer has the capacity to mount a military campaign anymore or return to one. The units that have been shut down were responsible for weapons-making, arms smuggling and training. The IRA decommissioned their arms last year.

The report also mentions that the IRA has also put its criminality beyond use and is “clamping down” on criminals within the organization, said Lord Alderdice, as he presented the report. He also added, “That doesn’t mean that criminal activity by all members has stopped but the leadership has made public statements and internal directions, investigated incidents of breach of the policy, even expelled some members and has emphasised the importance of ensuring that business affairs are conducted in a legitimate way.”

Finally, the report added that there is not enough evidence or intelligence to identify who killed Denis Donaldson, a British spy who infiltrated the IRA and Sinn Fein, before revealing his status as a spy.

However, the report added that splinter groups like the Real IRA (RIRA) and Continuity IRA (CIRA) are still threats and are still continuing their activity. The Real IRA was the group behind the deadly 1998 Omagh bombing. The Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) “was not capable of undertaking a sustained campaign [against the British State], nor does it aspire to” according to the report.

It is also noted the creation of two new organizations, Oglaigh na hEireann (Irish Gaelic for “Volunteers of Ireland” and is used by the Irish Defence Forces and the various IRAs.) and the Republican Defence Army. However, the groups are small dissident factions according to the report.

The report also added that the two loyalist paramilitaries, the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) and the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) are also beginning to move from violence but at slower pace and not at a grassroots level like the IRA. Another loyalist paramilitary, the Loyalist Volunteer Force

The report was received warmly by Irish Toaiseach Bertie Ahern and British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Ahern, said “These positive and clear-cut findings are of the utmost importance and significance. It is time to make decisions and for Northern Ireland to look to the future.”

“The IRA has done what we asked it to do, and while issues like policing remain to be solved, the door is now open to a final settlement, which is why the talks next week in Scotland are going to be so important.” said Tony Blair in a live statement.

In a surprising reaction, the notoriously hardline leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, Ian Paisley, also welcomed the report. He believes that his party’s pressure is working and if Sinn Fein signs up to policing there could be a deal. Paisley said, “If the police question is settled absolutely on a democratic basis and principle we would have come a long way along the road.”

Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams said “The DUP don’t have anything other than very limited options. They will or will not participate in power-sharing arrangements. If they don’t participate they are condemning people here, but particularly their own constituents, to second class public services, run by second class fly-in, fly-out British ministers. All the DUP can do is to delay, is to attempt to slow down, but they can’t stop the process of changing.”

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UK mounts rescue operation for Spanish trawler in distress in North Atlantic storm

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

This afternoon the RAF launched an operation to rescue nineteen sailors from a Spanish trawler in difficulties in a North Atlantic storm.

Radio contact with the FV Cibeles was lost yesterday evening at 2030 UTC when the crew reported to the ship’s owners that they were in trouble. Last night, UK Coastguard picked up a satellite emergency beacon signal as winds reached speeds of over 70 mph.

This morning a RAF Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft located the ship adrift 180 miles off the Scottish Western Isles. A nearby tanker, the Aegean Spirit, diverted with the intention of taking the trawler in tow and arrived at 1500 UTC.

However, the tanker was unable to take the trawler on tow, and with no other vessels capable of towing the ship nearby, the Coastguard Rescue Seeking helicopter “Mike Uniform” was launched from Stornoway to extract the crew. The tanker remained on scene to offer some protection from the weather, currently reported as gale force winds and rough seas.

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Former Russian spy Litvinenko dies, radioactive poisoning suspected

Friday, November 24, 2006

Mr Alexander Litvinenko, reputed to have been an Ex-Russian spy who had defected to Britain, died last night in mysterious circumstances. He had alleged many associations between people in high places and organised international crime, implying that President Putin and Romano Prodi among others had been involved personally. He had sought political asylum in UK in 2000 and became a naturalised citizen in October this year, just weeks before his death.

Mr Litvinenko was said to have been investigating the shooting of Russian journalist and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya, a well-known critic of Russian activities in Chechnya, in her apartment in Moscow October 7, 2006. It is reported that he had met two Russians in an hotel room, one said to be former member of the KGB in conneciton with the affair and he went on to meet Mario Scaramella at a sushi bar in Piccadilly where some papers were exchanged. Some hours after this he was taken ill.

Mr Litvinenko was admitted to Barnet General Hospital, north London on November 1, 2006 complaining of feeling sick. By November 11, he was said to be suffering from serious poisoning. A week later he was transferred to University College Hospital in central London. A week later he was said to have been poisoned by ingesting thallium, once used in rat poison, but, in the opinion of some doctors, there were signs of radioactive poisoning, including loss of weight and shedding of hair. Various explanations of his condition were offered. Last night he suffered a heart attack, after having left a message blaming President Putin for having him killed.

The radioactive isotope polonium-210 was found in his blood and urine as reported by the United Kingdom’s Health Protection Agency. The post-mortem was cancelled. Subsequently the Agency examined conditions in the hospitals in which Mr Litvinenko has been treated. Police visited the Itsu sushi restaurant in Piccadilly, his home in Muswell Hill and the Millennium Hotel, Grosvenor Square where the meeting on November 1 had been held. Traces of radiocactivity were found in all three places. It is speculated that the polonium was probably eaten by Litvinenko as a substance that could be combined with a salt-like substance, such as polonium nitrate.

It was reported that a meeting had been held in Cabinet Office Briefing Room A (COBRA) used for high level emergency planning and control, to consider the implications of these events. The Foreign Office asked Moscow for a response to the accusation of Russian involvement and President Putin himself dismissed the allegations saying (before the cause of death had been established) that there was no proof of an unnatural death and that the case was being used as a “political provocation”.

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Looking After Your Cars Tires}

Submitted by: Ian Walsh

A piece of advice that I’ve always taken to heart when looking after a car was ‘always look after your breaks and tires’. Sound advice as these are obviously two of the most important pieces of safety equipment on any vehicle, and are relatively inexpensive to care for.

To ensure that your tires are always in tip-top condition I suggest you check your tire pressure regularly. It is important that tires are inflated to the correct pressure to ensure the best grip on the road. Remember over-inflated tires will wear more in the center of the tire, whereas under-inflated tires have a tendency to wear more on the outside of the tire. Always check your tire pressure before long trips and make sure the spare tire is in good condition and properly inflated in case of an emergency.


It is also advisable to check your vehicle owner’s handbook for the correct tire pressure for your car in different circumstances. For example, tire pressure can be different if carrying heavy loads or towing trailers for example.

Always check for uneven wear and tear of the tire. As stated previously it is important that the tire is correctly inflated, but other causes of uneven wear include wheel alignment issues. In these instances it is always advisable to have your local garage check out the vehicle.

All tires have tire tread wear indicators, small rubber markers in the tread to show you the minimum depth that your tires tread should be. If you are nearing these markers, its time to replace the tires.

In general it’s always advisable to slow down when going over pot-holes, or try to avoid them if you can. This goes for curbs as well. This will help you increase your tire’s life, reduce the chance of disturbing the alignment of your wheels and generally avoid accidental damage to the tires.

About the Author: Ian Walsh is the webmaster at

Mastercraft Tires

, an information site for Mastercraft Tires and other tire brands.


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UK drivers urged not to panic buy during delivery strikes

Friday, June 13, 2008

British drivers have been urged not to panic buy fuel because of the 4-day walkout by delivery drivers working for companies delivering to Shell petrol stations. The 600 workers have walked out over pay disagreements, wanting an increase to their current pay of £36,500, however their union Unite turned down a last-minute offer of £41,500.

Hoyer UK, which employs tanker drivers for Shell, said, “We extended our offer to the very limits that our business could sustain.” However Unite said in a press release that, “this dispute could have been resolved if Shell had advanced a fraction of the billions of pounds in profit they make every month”, continuing to say, “one of the world’s richest companies is prepared to play Pontius Pilate and see the British public inconvenienced rather than settle this dispute for a sum smaller than the chairman’s pay increase last year”

Shell admitted that the walkout could leave some of its 1,000 forecourts without fuel, but the UK Petrol Industry Association, which represent oil refiners, said that forecourts would have around 4 days of supply, maintaining usual stocking levels. Shell also commented that the strike impact would be “significant”, as the company runs around 1 in 10 of all petrol stations in the UK.

British Business Secretary, John Hutton, said that “the strike, which will have a disproportionate effect on people in Britain, cannot be justified,” and urged both sides to resume negotiations in order to settle the dispute. “We have been working closely with industry to put in place detailed contingency plans to reduce as far as possible the disruption for the driving public,” he added. Unite’s press release also confirms that “provision has been made for fire, police and the emergency services.”

Tanker drivers on strike have set up picket lines at many of Shell’s UK refineries, including those in Stanlow, Avonmouth, Plymouth, Pembroke, Cardiff, Kingsbury, Basildon, Grangemouth, Aberdeen, Inverness, Jarrow and Luton Airport.

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Deadly tornadoes rip through southern US, killing over 300

Friday, April 29, 2011

Play media

A huge thunderstorm system spawning massive tornadoes ripped through the south-eastern US Wednesday evening and early Thursday morning, killing at least 306 people in six states and causing wide spread property damage. Some 173 tornadoes have been reported from New York to Texas. In the worst hit state of Alabama, at least 210 are confirmed dead, including 36 in Tuscaloosa alone.

In terms of the ground-up damage and quite possibly the insured damage, this event will be of historic proportions.

Deaths also were reported in Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Virginia and Kentucky.

Up to one million people in Alabama were without power. A nuclear power plant was shut down in Alabama after it lost power to its three units, an operation of the plant’s safety systems.

Seven states have declared a state of emergency, and federal aid is being sent to Alabama. Governor Robert J. Bentley said he was activating 2,000 Alabama National Guard personell to aid in search and rescue. President Barack Obama, who plans to visit Alabama on Friday to view the destruction, sent a message of condolence to the governor:

“Michelle and I extend our deepest condolences to the families of those who lost their lives because of the tornadoes that have swept through Alabama and the southeastern United States. Our hearts go out to all those who have been affected by this devastation, and we commend the heroic efforts of those who have been working tirelessly to respond to this disaster. I just spoke to Governor Bentley and told him that I have ordered the Federal Government to move quickly in our response and informed him that I approved his request for emergency Federal assistance, including search and rescue assets. While we may not know the extent of the damage for days, we will continue to monitor these severe storms across the country and stand ready to continue to help the people of Alabama and all citizens affected by these storms.”

Preliminary estimates of the tornado hitting Tuscaloosa suggest it tore along the ground for 176 miles and contained winds up to 200 miles per hour. The devastation included residential and commercial areas, as well as the city’s infrastructure and civic buildings.

I don’t know how anyone survived. … But when you look at the path of destruction that’s likely 5 to 7 miles long in an area half a mile to a mile wide … it’s an amazing scene. There’s parts of the city I don’t recognize, and that’s someone that’s lived here his entire life.

“I don’t know how anyone survived,” said Mayor Walter Maddox of Tuscaloosa. “We’re used to tornadoes here in Tuscaloosa. It’s part of growing up. But when you look at the path of destruction that’s likely 5 to 7 miles long in an area half a mile to a mile wide … it’s an amazing scene. There’s parts of the city I don’t recognize, and that’s someone that’s lived here his entire life.”

Officials did not want to give specific numbers for death toll and destruction in specific states, as the extent of the damage and human injury and death is not completely known. According the the Los Angeles Times, “Mississippi officials reported 32 dead, Tennessee raised its report to 29, Georgia reported 13, Virginia said it had eight deaths and Kentucky reported at least one death. The number of injured was in the hundreds, with that number also expected to rise.”

“In terms of the ground-up damage and quite possibly the insured damage, this event will be of historic proportions,” Jose Miranda, from EQECAT, a catastrophe risk modeling firm,

The severe weather warning has been continued through Thursday, and includes parts of New York, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

This outbreak of tornadoes is considered the deadliest since 1974 when more than 300 were killed in a tornado outbreak. On March 18, 1925, 695 people died in a storm.

Greg Carbin, meteorologist at the National Weather Service, said, “May is usually the most active tornado month. Will it maintain the activity of April, we just cannot say.”

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